VA Inaction In Action

LOS ANGELES, CA – Speaking to assembled press today, officials with the Department of Veterans Affairs announced the closure of all VA facilities west of the Mississippi river in response to possible dangers that may arise from Hurricane Sandy...
The facilities closure is set to last for approximately 2 weeks, although Shinseki has said that the VA will do everything in its power to keep its doors closed to veterans for longer, if possible.
One of the key elements of satire is that it has to be at least somewhat believable.  Having worked with the VA, I have to say that they hit the nail on the head for this one.


Aaron C. de Bruyn said...

I can't tell if you're posting this seriously or not. DuffelBlog is a parody site like The Onion.

Samrobb said...

Aaron: Yes, I know :-)

Unfortunately, the service I use to mirror FB links ( to create blog posts sometimes fires at inconvenient times, and I don't get the chance to clean up my posts before someone comes along and sees it without additional commentary or tagging to indicate that it's intended to be humorous.

Samrobb said...

Even with those problems, though, - if you're a social media user at all, I'd suggest giving IFTTT a look. It still has some rough edges - I'd rather see my FB links be created as Blogger draft posts, for example - but from what I've seen, it does a pretty good job of allowing you to mirror content across various social media channels.