All Hail Our Robotic Zombie Animal Overlords!

My wife recently came across this particular image posted on Failblog, and found it amusing.

She was completely unaware of the long history of installing Linux on... unusual platforms.

Of course, there's the classic user notes for installing linux on a dead badger.  While these instructions may seem quaint, the technology it describes was cutting edge for its day.  As a testimony to how much effort was put into the documentation, though, you can see that the instructions for dealing with a kernel panic on boot are still applicable to moden Linux installations:
Purple flames indicate kernel panic; douse the flames with the bucket of holy water and abandon installation site immediately. Seek shelter at the nearest church or other consecrated area. 
If dead badgers are not your thing, or if you're looking for a more compact host platform, you can always go for the minimalist approach and install a web server on a dead fly.  While the original design used WebACE running on a Fairchild ACE1101VMT8 microprocessor, I am sure that it is only a matter of time before chip technology gets to the point where you can run an embedded linux distribution on a dead fly cluster.

Finally, in more recent "server on dead animal" news, an undergrad researcher at Duke - no doubt after the ingestion of several fashionable adult beverages - decided that the yes, the thing to do for his research project was to stuff a miniature processor and some servos into a dead sparrow.  Information on what hardware platform and OS Herbert West David Piech used is scarce, but I am willing to bet that it was some combination of Linux and an smaller scale Ardiuno compatible board.

And probably protective gear of some sort, now that I think about it... those reanimated zombie badgers can be testy.

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