Someone's Being an Idiot Here...

And it ain't Bibi. As Larry explains (Warning: Entirely Justified (IMHO) Strong Language):
So Netanyahu goes before the UN a few days after Ahmadinejad talks of vaporizing Israel, and tries to warn the world that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, and to plead for sanity. 
To do so, he employed a prop - a cartoon representation of a bomb - and drew a red line through it.  Which was apparently too much, or something?
So it makes perfect sense that the title of this article is: Netanyahu’s ‘red line’ mocked on Twitter… Because, you know, when a desperate world leader is pleading for sanity the best thing to do is make fun of his graphic design skills.
Of course, as one of the commenters pointed out:
I bet if Obama started drawing on cartoons everyone would say “That’s a great way to help the audience visualize the importance of a complex subject”.

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