
Eldest Daughter begins her first day of high school today.

Wasn't it just last month that I saw you for the first time, your face so serious and so beautiful?

Wasn't it just last week that you fell asleep in my arms and I carried you through the Forbidden City?

Wasn't it just yesterday that we rode the Little Dipper at Kennywood for the first time, and when it was over, you looked at me with your eyes wide, and whispered, "More!"

I am so in love with you, and so grateful that you are my daughter. You are growing into a beautiful, amazing young lady. That makes me both fiercely proud, and wonderfully sad. Sad, because the little girl I once knew has become just a memory to me; proud, because the woman you are in the process of becoming is my joy.

Do well, and do good, my daughter.  Love God, love others, and never doubt that we love you.

Sic itur ad astra, Delainey.

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