On The Aerodynamics Of Building Materials

As usual, the Czar is spot on:
A couple of explanations: first, the Czar— — as perhaps some of you know — —is the least church going member of the Gormogons by far. Indeed, when it comes to religious loyalty, we are pathetic. Terrible. But even a badly wayward and sinful Czar can point to the truth and say it: Catholics cannot justify supporting pro-abortion candidates without exemplifying the most extreme hypocrisy. If you call yourself a Catholic, and knowingly support candidates who approve of murdering children, nothing else in your faith matters.
I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that, theologically speaking, the Czar and I have what some folks might consider irreconcilable differences.  As far as I can recall, the official Catholic position is that salvation is not possible outside of the Catholic Church.  As a former Catholic who has rejected Catholicism, my understanding of this is that according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, I'm a heretic.

Eh.  It happens.  Find a random crowd of people, toss a brick, and you'll probably bop someone over the head who thinks that my understanding of and worship of God is wrong.  The details aren't really important.  They might be Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist, Presbyterian, Quaker, Lutheran, Anglican, Buddhist, Agnostic or Atheist.  About the only thing that you can really say for sure is that they're almost certainly going to be somewhat indignant at having a brick lobbed at them.

That said... while there are certain issues we might have regarding the practice of the Christian faith, we can agree on a number of things.  One of these is that murdering children is wrong.  Another is that while we may have different views of God, it is good thing - in fact, a most excellent thing - that we live in a country where each person is not only allowed to, but even encouraged to make their own choices about God and religion.  Whether you are pro or anti, or could not care less, we are here to tell you that we are here to... let you get on with your life, accompanied by a blessed absence of aerodynamic brick-like objects.

What a concept.

Now, in real life, you generally don't get idiots lobbing bricks into a crowd.  With the latest HHS ruling on Obamacare, though, we've got ourselves a situation.  One of our Catholic friends in the crowd - whom we get along with rather well, thank you, despite our differences - just took a rectangular building thingie to the head.  Looking around, it's pretty apparent that there's a nasty looking piece of work hanging around at the edge of the crowd, brushing some brick dust off of his hands.

Now, some of his putative friends are loudly proclaiming that said nasty looking piece of work wasn't really aiming for our Catholic friend.  He just happened to be the largest target in the crowd, and someone was bound to get hit with that brick, don'cha know.  It's no big deal, really.  Best not to read too much into it, because sometimes things just happen, you know?

While they're going on about how this is just one of those things, said nasty piece of work is doing his best to try and look innocent.  At which point some of the folks in the crowd - my Catholic friend, a good Muslim buddy of mine, a couple of Jewish gentleman and and an atheist or two - can't help but notice that the trying-to-look-innocent (but failing miserably) nasty piece of work just happens to be standing by a large pile of rectangular building thingies.

And just happens to be eyeing the crowd in a rather speculative manner.

So.  My question.

If we shrug it off - if we accept that this is just one of those things - or even imagine that our Catholic buddy was asking for it for some ill-defined reason... tell me: how long will it be before there's another brick lobbed into the crowd?

And can you be absolutely sure that, regardless of what you may or may not believe, that you are not going to be on the receiving end of the next flying piece of masonry?

Just sayin'.


lelnet said...

"As far as I can recall, the official Catholic position is that salvation is not possible outside of the Catholic Church."

FWIW, you recall incorrectly. Or perhaps you recall correctly but were misinformed.

We do hope you'll come back, though. And in the meantime, we're glad to count you as a friend, whatever questions you might be wrong about. :)

Samrobb said...

I stand corrected, then, Matt - thank you for letting me know.