
When seeking to place an attack like the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing into context, it is helpful to classify the actors responsible, if possible. Such a classification can help us understand how an attack fits into the analytical narrative of what is happening and what is likely to come.
Jump straight to the conclusion if you don't have time to RTWT:
As we've previously discussed, the best defense against the grassroots threat are grassroots defenders. These include the police and alert citizens who report suspicious activity -- like people testing bomb designs -- a frequent occurrence before actual bomb attacks. The slogan "If you see something, say something," has been mocked as overly simplistic, but it is nonetheless a necessity in an environment where the broad, ambiguous threat of grassroots terrorism far outstrips the ability of the authorities to see everything. Taking a proactive approach to personal and collective security also beats the alternative of living in terror and apprehensively waiting for the next simple attack.
Maybe I'm reading into it here, but to me, "proactive approach to personal and collective security" means "armed, trained citizens".  Of course, I could be wrong, and they could be advocating that we all practice advanced cowering in basements as preparation for the next terrorist incident.  Seems to me like that wouldn't really accomplish much, but hey, I hear it's all the rage among the current crop of Subjects.
It is also very important for people to maintain the proper perspective on terrorism. Like car crashes and cancer and natural disasters, terrorism is part of the human condition. People should take prudent, measured actions to prepare for such contingencies and avoid becoming victims (vicarious or otherwise). It is the resilience of the population and its perseverance that will ultimately determine how much a terrorist attack is allowed to terrorize. By separating terror from terrorism, citizens can deny the practitioners of terror the ability to magnify their reach and power.
Hmm... "deny the practitioners of terror". Where have I heard that before?

Apparently I can add "As wicked smaht as them there guys over at STRATFOR" to my resumé.

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