Flame... ON

Reading the news should be an essential habit, especially for students and children, yet anyone under 18 found browsing through the news online could hypothetically face jail time under the latest draft of proposed changes to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which is supposed to be “rushed” to Congress during its “cyber week” in the middle of April...
According to the new proposal floated by the House Judiciary Committee, the CFAA, which was originally passed in 1984 as a measure to thwart hacking, would be amended to treat any violation of a website’s Terms of Service – or an employer’s Terms of Use policy – as a criminal act. Under the proposed changes, users could be punished and possibly even prosecuted for accessing a website in a way it wasn’t meant to be used.
Rope.  Ropety ropety ropety rope.

Seriously.  These people are idiots.

No, I take that back.  They would have to actually be smarter to be idiots.

There are slime molds out there who have a clearer, more cogent grasp of their environment that these mentally deficient, ignorant, recto-cranially inverted lunkheads.

They should be kept away from sharp implements, small children and animals... and any and all writing materials.

Even worse, my representative is on the Judiciary Committee. He has otherwise seemed a decent, thoughtful fellow, so I fervently hope that he is not part of this unbelievable load of bovine effluence.

If he is, believe me, he will be hearing from me.

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