A delicate flavor, with just a hint of snark...

OK - maybe more than a hint. Tam answers the question, "In what situation do you think you would need a 30 bullet magazine clip?"

In only marginally related news, Fred Pohl closed down the recent gun discussion thread on his blog. In the wake of the Giffords shooting, in a post titled "Mass Murder Courtesy of the NRA", Fred asked any NRA supporting readers, "Are you proud of yourself today?" In his follow-up post, he describes the resulting comments as "vigorous" and says, "I think there’s a lot to be learned from the discussion, and so I’ll try to come back to it soon."

Yeah... right. I don't think I'm going to be waiting with baited breath for you to "come back to it soon." When a conversation opens with accusations of accomplice in the murder of multiple human beings, and ends with the phrase, "I think there's a lot to be learned from this discussion"... I don't think that there's really much of a chance that the topic will be re-opened anytime soon. I may be wrong, but my personal experience is this is the "feel-good" way of completely changing the topic of conversation... and oh, would you look at that!

Just coincidence, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

"In what situation do you think you would need a 30 bullet magazine clip?"

In the situation that I'm a really poor shot? ;)