There is one thing, yea, even two things...

... that are bugging me this morning.  By which I mean, "insignificant things that I'm going to pretend are significant".  Because otherwise, I'll end up worrying about significant things like whether my car is going to start this evening, or we have heat in the house tonight.

Item the first: multiple exclamation points.  One is enough, people.  We understand that you're excited. The extra exclamation points really are not necessary!  See what I did there?  One exclamation point.  More than enough to get my point across, don't you think?

Item the second: reversed sideways smiley faces.  The emoticon is :-), folks.  If, for some strange reason, you find noses in your emoticons offensive, then :) is also acceptable.  Using (-: or (: instead?  Oh, boy.  That is right out.

Individuals that use both at the same time?  Man, you are spitting in the face of all that is right in the universe.  Take it from me - don't.  Just... don't.  M'kay?

That is all.

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