Why Johnny Shouldn't "git push"

Slowly getting back into the habit of blogging...

Ted Tso has a nice little article up titled "Reflections on a complaint from a frustrated git user", where he comments on another series of blog posts about problems using git to publish changes.  We're using git where I work now, and while it's a wonderful source control system, the change from centralized to distributed SCM does require wrapping your head around some new concepts, and this article is a nice starting point in understanding the differences between the two models.


rredmond said...

Though I'm a follower of this SR I have no idea what git is. I'm a Social Worker not an Embedded Theologian! Hi Sam!

Samrobb said...

Hey Ron :-) Hopefully the non-uber-computer-geeky posts at least make some sense!

rredmond said...

Yes sir they do, I still have a wee bit of Carnegie Mellon blook in me.