PCs, Laptops, Smart Phones n'at

I apologize for the multiple level of quotations, but... hey. Important news.  The PC is Over, dude.
MG Siegler writes:
The PC is over. It will linger, but increasingly as a relic. 
I now dread using my computer. I want to use a tablet most of the time. And increasingly, I can. I want to use a smartphone all the rest of the time. And I do. 
Realize that MG Siegler is a journalist, and a TechCrunch air-quotes journalist at that, so he's well versed in hyperbole. You might say he's a billion times better at hyperbole than the average blogger. In his own way, he is a creator, I suppose: he creates hype.
But he's not entirely wrong here.
I'd have to agree with Mr. Attwood.

In 1992, I was attending SWOS with a young gentleman of a technically inclined nature.  Phil had a Poqet pocket computer which was rather interesting, and at one point, we discovered that his little Poqet had vastly more processing power than the 1970's shipboard-based mainframe supply management systems that we were going to train to use.

An iPad2 is as powerful as a 1985 Cray 2 supercomputer.

Your cell phone has more processing power than NASA had for the moon shot.

I've gotten to the point where the only thing that is keeping me from moving to a smart phone (from my old, dumb, flip phone) is the fact that I want my smart phone to be able to replace my laptop.

I want to have a bluetooth mouse, keyboard and monitor on my desk at work.  When I sit down at the start of the day, I want them to power up, find my cell phone lying on the desk next to them, and use my cell phone for CPU and storage.  With a decent sized screen and a full-sized keyboard, I could do 99% of what I need to do, day to day, with this sort of set up.

In other words: today's smart phones aren't quite smart enough... but man, they're close.

When they finally get there, then... well, the PC won't be dead.  It will certainly become more of a nice product, though.

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