
New Years Resolutions

Oh... you want serious?  OK, then...
  • Pray more [1]
  • Give more [2]
  • Read more [3]
  • Write more [4]
  • Shoot more [5]
  • Walk more [6]
  • Live healthier [7]
  • Get my yellow belt in hapkido [8]
[1] And more immediately.
[2] Of my time, and treasure.
[3] Books, that is.  Online reading is already maxed out.
[4] Blog posts, as well as try my hand at some fiction.
[5] And, hopefully, learn to shoot better as well.
[6] Dog implied, of course.
[7] General catch all for "exercise and eat less junk".
[8] Part of learning how to buy enough space.

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