

I have an online friend - a die-hard liberal - who has, in the past, posted rants about how eeeeevil conservatives are for wanting the government to cut spending, and how we need more government oversight of the banking industry, for example (yes, they are solidly behind the OWS protesters).

The latest "I can't believe people are this stupid" post?  About personal responsibility and the danger of credit cards.  "Don't spend money you don't have, people!"

Pervious rants have castigated the Pennsylvania LCB, because apparently, government intervention works perfectly for everything except liquor stores.

On one hand, the hypocrisy is mind-numbingly staggering.

On the other hand... well, I still hold out hope that the antics of the current administration will become so blatantly and blindingly obvious that they'll open their eyes, connect the dots and have their world view wrenched around 180 degrees.

Hope & Change!

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